This week was another work week which is always welcome. We did get to watch everyone's independent studies as well. I'm glad everyone enjoyed my Stop-motion, and I enjoyed your guy's stuff as well. What made me happy this week was getting more work done on my Final Project. I really want to make this one look as nice as possible. I'm even shading every frame which is proving itself to be a tedious task, but I know it will make the animation look so much better in the end. I still don't have that much done yet, because the way I work is by finishing every shot to completion before I move onto the next. It may sound pretty unorthodox to a lot of you, but it works well for me, and it's what I'm used to. What made me frustrated this week was not being able to sign a tablet out, so I could work on my animation over the weekend. Like I said, I want to get more work done. And because I didn't sign out a form I wasn't able to work on it this weekend. But hopefully that will be fixed by the next weekend. I'm looking forward to getting my Final Short done and enjoying summer break once that comes in a few weeks. Anyways, onto the link of interest.
I'm sure at least 5 people have already used this but I'm doing it anyways. This is the Kickstarter for the upcoming game Yooka Laylee. It's made from a bunch of ex-Rareware employees. This game is considered to be the Spiritual Successor to Banjo Kazooie, which..... well we know how that turned out. It was funded in less than an hour, and already smashed it's way through all the stretch goals, which means it's probably got more stretch goals on the way. I'm very intrigued by the game, but I do have some fears as well. I really hope it finds it's own identity than just being a Banjo Kazooie wannabe. It's ok to be inspired by things, but there's a difference between being inspired and copying. I know it's made by Ex- Rare employees, but it that really an excuse for not making original ideas? But other than that, I'm sure the game will be fun to play. I mean it's definitely in the right hands. That's it for this week. Happy 21st blog!
I cant wait for summer either man.