This article/video was about how scientifically accurate certain things would be in The Avengers. The video starts out talking about Iron Man's suit. When it starts off his suit is pretty bulky and heavy which isn't very optimal for cruisin in the skys. But when he makes his less bulky shiny suit, that suit would be even heavier to fly. They also mention how Tony Stark invents a new element to power his suit and himself. This is actually pretty scientifically sound, as many elements on the periodic table were made by scientists. Next they talk about Captain America and Black Widow. They have super healing and super strength. This is probably done by more powerful white blood cells, which can repair damage to their bodies faster. They then discuss Captain America's shield. His shield is made from a fictional element called Vibranium which can with-stain an infinite amount of heat and pressure. So how's it do that you must be asking. Well when Thor's hammer hits Cap's sheild, you see a bright light but nothing happens. This must mean that the Vibranium converts energy to light.
I thought this article answers some good questions but overall is a bit pointless. Most of these things are just the way they are because it's a comic book movie and not everything has to make sense. But I still think the stuff it did cover, did shed some good light on how maybe it did work.
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