Sunday, December 13, 2015

Week 33 Comments

This week was pretty good. I'm really glad shadowing is done for awhile because I got super sick of that fast and was frustrating that that was taking time away from work. What made me happy this week was the other day finding out that I had been accepted into the animation program at Villa Maria! I'm very happy about this as it was one of my favorite colleges I've seen. I'm still applying to a few other colleges though just so I have options and to see what I get into. I'm looking forward to finishing my Typeography and starting other projects like my documentary. Now the link of interest.

This is a cool assembly video of the Steam Controller. They even used portal music which is a neat touch.  It's just pretty interesting to see the process it goes through. I think it's pretty well shot. Also it seems that it's entirely built by machines. The first pair of human hands to touch it seem to be the consumer themself! But anyways, that's all for now.


  1. Oh my god, so many machines! That assembly is crazy!

  2. That is such a cool video, it makes me wanna buy a steam controller. Have you gotten yours yet?
