This article is by a game developer and what he's learned throughout his career, and what he wish he had known when he started. He talks about how he was shocked how when he first started his job of how many people didn't go to college. He found out quickly that having skill was basically it's own form of educational expeirence. He also says how getting into games is easier than ever with programs like Unity and the Unreal Engine being so accessible. He also talks about how he wished he had learned more about art foundations like drawing and sculpting and less on the programs. He explains that while programs features will change constantally, art foundations will always stay the same. He also talks about how you shouldn't worry about being the absolute best possible but try to improve your current self as much as you can. He also quotes Neil Gaiman by saying "Make good art, make it on bad days, make it on good ones too." He closes on saying how you never really stop improving as an artist and not to worry about not being as good as you wish you we're, but instead focus on improving.
I thought this article was very inspiring and insightful for younger artists, such as myself. It's very useful information for me, as I want to pursue a career in games as well.
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